drawing and painting in Acrylics
Discover and understand what creativity really is and how it relates
to drawing and art. Learn and practice the four perception skills necessary
for drawing to achieve a likeness to a subject. Study basic perspective,
composition and design principles. Practice how to use a variety of
mediums. Learn how to bring an illustration or painting from an idea
to a finished artwork.
Dear Friends,
We very much regret to let you know that we won't go ahead with the painting workshops this January 2021.
After careful consideration and seeking some health advice we had to come to the conclusion that we can not guarantee 100 % Covid-19 Safe workshop with all its guidelines and protocols.
It looks like we will need to wait a little bit longer before we are able to provide the safe environment for the enjoyable and creative activity we are all longing for.
We will keep you posted.
Take care, stay safe.
Peter & Helga
Gift vouchers currently NOT available
We welcome individuals from diverse backgrounds, and beginners.
Acrylic Paints
The Acrylic Paint is water based. The binder in acrylic paint is a synthetic
plastic, therefore, acrylics dry quickly and are water soluble. This
allows clean-up free from the disadvantageous smell of other media.
They are non-toxic and environmentally friendly.
Benefits of Drawing and Painting for Children - Art encourages expression
Painting and drawing are very important in development of children. Children learn to be more organized and follow a pattern. They learn to solve problems in a more creative way. They become more communicative, observant and analytical. The painting serves as relaxation, nervous or anxious children feel more relaxed and focused. Increases the power of concentration on a task. Increases self-esteem.
Physiologically, the human brain consists of two parts, the left and the right hemisphere. The left brain is used in logical thinking and analytical processes. This is typically what is trained in school work that consists of math, reading and science. The right brain is used in emotional perception, intuition and creativity. It is the right brain that is mainly used when a person is involved in creative endeavors such as artistic drawing and painting. It is this part of the brain that typical school environment neglects to train.